Iran: the Paradox of the political Islam and gender perception
Koral Nouri
Tainting and criminalization the gender perception has grown amongst the political Islam enough to the level of prejudicing their reputation and mainstreaming skewed perceptions over it in the name of the religion, Moreover, they tie gender concept into malicious gender perception turned into an equivalent of homosexuality.
The dignitaries of the Political Islam strive using that perception of gender, after mixing it with some fabricated definitions inspired of preachers’ mouths, to support some Iranian agenda and other oppressive regimes with scant regard for the Kurdish family unity which has been volatile. Consequently, causing much havoc and social division to serve their interests.
Under the current circumstances in Kurdistan some shallow people have adopted the approach of the havoc and social division in the light of the current events, far worse, promoting and using these notions by public and people from the press and telecommunication corps. Those events are happening without knowing the reasons behind their promoting, as well as, what are motives of political Islam beyond the instigation in this critical phase? They are all steeped in that misguidance, and now they who are analyzing and give lectures, and to be fair I don’t know the reasons beyond that adherence to them, maybe due to the joblessness or so. Nevertheless, there is a Kurdish proverb says: “better fighting than watching”, maybe they look for increasing interactivity on social media, or they are a part of that plot?
The vicious attack by the political Islam representatives has crossed all the red lines by trashing some female activists and specialists in gender, as a case in point, their campaign against Goman Hardy, a professor at the American university in Sulaymaniyah. Ironically, they spare no effort to slander over the Kurdish values which considered taboo even in Islam.
Even that hate the notions of challenge, but I challenge who ever, in political Islam, claims that there is a relationship between the gender concept and Homosexuality or any feminist activist has said anything in that regard in forum, lecture or even western ones to prove that. The dilemma is the political Islam representatives have no slightest clue on gender perception and they churn out their own stories and use offensive speech as well as shame their opponents. So, what kind of religion they believe?
All lecturer on gender perception have been well-trained from the late 1990s and to this day, we have not witnessed any related subject between the gender perception and Homosexuality neither from local lecturer or the western ones, you, the representatives of the political Islam, have to stop your malicious slanders.
Closing the night clubs in Kurdistan, by order from the chief Bafile Talbani was the turning point to the debate over gender perception, to embody distraction policy in Kurdistan, in the wake of that resolution a big fallacy have surfaced can be easily debunked by asking who are the owners of those night clubs, and had been managed them and who are the customers, or guarding them, or permit them, and who are the beneficiaries of them, or brought the hookers. But the key question is: who is behind that closure? Is he a party man or government institution?.
That issue has been manipulated by some journalists through highlighting the moral decay of women and ignoring the men who regularly had been attending these clubs as if they had been coming for praying. That action by journalists is a shame and nit neutral.
The second aspect that overlooked is the timing of rising the issue, nevertheless, this issue is related to public moral and morals of society. So why was it allowed at the first? And who was the beneficiaries of it? Doesn’t this issue debunk the contest for tourism resources in Sulaymaniyah? Why journalism has aligned itself with populist discourse and did not work as a fact-seeking professionally.
In general ,that gruesome issue has settled in the imagination of people as moral issue by a party that claims protecting the morality. However, it reflects the distraction policy by the ruling administration in order to distract people from what happening in Iranian Kurdistan and throughout Iran from the revolution that began at the Kurdish city after killing of the Kurdish girl by what so-called morality policy in Iran. and for forbidding people in Kurdistan to join the massive solidarity campaign in besieged provinces by army of Iran, which kills people in the name of Islam, and for limiting people’s interaction with demonstrations beside executed.
We obviously can realize that topics like: killing Masha Amine, or the scholae in the Kurdish language Mojkan Kawase or Dr. Aida Rostami who was treating casualties in her house, are neglected due to they” the media” are dedicated to slander the Kurdish dignitaries.
A year ago, when clashes between Palestinians and Israelis broke out the political Islam representatives have the Kurdish youths to stand with their Muslims brothers in Palestine taking into account that, in the peak of the clashes, Hamas leaders were in Dubai with their families, as the Kurdish proverb says “He catches snakes, but not with his hands”.
Here is the paradox. When a Palestinian child is injured, all media platforms of political Islam rush to lament and show solidarity, on the contrary, no one raise a finger against the crimes of Islamic Republic which kills brothers of this current not only sectarian-related basis but also in nationalism.